2025 ORV, ATV, ORM and snowmobile renewal time has arrived!

ORV, ATV, ORM and snowmobile renewal time has arrived!
9/1/2024 – 12/31/2024
You may begin renewing any time prior to the deadline of 12/31/2024. Any vehicle not renewed by 12/31/2024 will incur a $5 penalty. You can renew in person, by mail, over the phone (3% fee to use a credit/debit card) or use the drop box. Renewal times are 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except at the end of the month.
Renewal fees for current ORV’s, ATV’s and ORM’s are $18.50 if the registration is picked up, $20.50 if we mail it out.
The fee for a resident snowmobile is $33.50 if the registration is picked up, $35.50 if we mail it out. The resident user permit (trail pass) is included in the registration and decal.
Please contact the Recorder's office if you have questions.