D4 Supervisor Candidate Interviews

The Supervisor Vacancy Committee sent the following interview information to all candidates that applied for the position. The committee welcomes the public to attend the interview. The public will be allowed to mingle with the candidates after the conclusion of the interviews. Public comment and questions will not be allowed during the interviews. Below is a list of candidates that have applied for the position. Please direct any questions that you may have to the Supervisor Vacancy Committee.
- Bob Gertsen
- Daniel Van Fossen
- Darrick Hall
- Dave Fountain
- Josh Sundstrom
- Sam Moore
Friday, January 31, 2025 6:00 p.m. Anamosa Public Library
- The Supervisor Appointing Committee will conduct a panel interview of all persons seeking appointment to fill the Supervisor District 4 vacancy.
- The committee will randomly draw the order for responding to each question.
- Each candidate will be allowed up to two minutes to respond to the question, before the next candidate is given the opportunity to respond to the same question.
- No interruptions will be permitted - this is not a debate.
- Six to nine questions will be asked of all candidates.
- Two of the questions are listed below.
- Please prepare a written response to each question and bring three copies for the committee, as well as a copy for yourself, to the interview. When read aloud, your response is limited to two minutes.
- At the appropriate time you will be asked to verbally present the written response you submitted.
- You may briefly expand on your written response during your verbal presentation; however, your total time remains limited to two minutes for that question.
- Explain your understanding of the role of county supervisor and the role in relation to other elected officials and department heads; also explain how you would learn about and stay current with the responsibilities of the various county departments.
- What are your goals for the future of Jones County, and what changes would you like to implement?
At the conclusion of the interviews conducted by the committee, we will invite the public in attendance to meet with the candidates for approximately 30 minutes and then share any feedback with the committee members not later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. The Supervisor Appointing Committee will announce the appointee at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
The job of county supervisor involves commitment of time and effort to be a responsive elected official. A county supervisor should expect to respond to citizens, county staff, and other public officials, review written materials, and research information to assist in making informed decisions. County supervisors may need to adjust their other obligations so as to not interfere with their willingness and ability to be in attendance at the board’s Tuesday meetings, and any special sessions that may arise throughout the year, as well as meetings of the various committees supervisors are appointed to, whether they be in Jones County, or in other counties, or even in Des Moines.