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Letter to Jones County Residents

posted on 4/7/20

Dear Jones County Resident:

Jones County Public Health needs your help to prevent and slow the spread of COVID-19 within our communities. We are making an effort to increase public awareness and understanding of social distancing guidelines.

We have created a public GoogleDrive folder with social media graphics and posters to be utilized to spread the word to stay #safeathomejonescounty. Additional materials will be added and updated as needed, so be sure to check in often to view the latest information.

Please utilize the provided graphics and posters to promote disease mitigation strategies throughout the community. The direct link to the GoogleDrive folder is: https://tinyurl.com/jcph-COVIDcampaign.

Whether sharing online, putting messages in windows, on noticeboards, or sending out with paychecks; we ask that you please do whatever you can to get the message out.

You can also find a link to the resources at: www.jonescountyiowa.org/covid19-resources.

Make sure you use #safeathomejonescounty in your posts and take the pledge to do your part in preventing and slowing the spread of COVID-19 in Jones County.


Jones County Public Health