Jones County Communities, Olin & Anamosa, Awarded 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! Funding

Iowa Department of Health & Human Services announced that Olin & Anamosa of Jones County have been awarded a $30,000 First Year Award grant as part of 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! — an evidenced-based prevention framework to promote healthy habits for early care, K-12 schools, out-of-school programs and health care practices.
Since 2017, the program has used five servings of vegetables, two hours or less of recreational screen time, 1 hour of physical activity, and zero sugary drinks as a guide to encourage communities to find ways to eat healthy foods and increase physical activity. Past projects around Iowa include: a StoryWalk® installed at a local park in Scranton, expanded recreation offerings (snowshoes and disc golf set) for community members to rent in Sergeant Bluff and an installation of ADA-compliant water stations around Winterset. To learn more about 5-2-1-0 and access free resources, visit
The application for this award was submitted by Jones County Public Health in partnership with East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) and, would not have been possible without the ongoing input, support and collaboration of community partners. “ECICOG will be a wonderful asset as part of this collaborative effort.” said Jess Wiedenhoff, Jones County Public Health Director. “We have been excited by the support and enthusiasm across the county for this initiative.”
In August 2021, Jones County Public Health hosted a 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! kick-off event in partnership with Iowa Healthiest State Initiative and the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services. 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count! is part of ongoing community health improvement efforts led by Jones County Public Health (JCPH). Every five years, JCPH is required to complete a Community Health Needs Assessment and Community Health Improvement Plan. JCPH has adopted a "Policy, Systems and Environmental" approach to best meet the needs of everyone who lives, works, and plays across the country using years of evidence and research regarding the methods used for conducting such assessments and creation of plans for the long-term.
The Jones County Public Health Work Group was established with community partners in 2019 to review existing data and efforts, and to identify the needs of the community. As the committee continues the systematic action of moving toward a cohesive effort for achievement and success across Jones County, the public will have periodic opportunities to engage in the process and review the findings of the committee, current steps to address issues, and committee plans for future action.
"Knowing that systems and policies we currently have in place and determining where our county would like to improve allows us to build the roadmap to get there," said Jess Wiedenhoff, Jones County Public Health Director. "5-2-1-0 Health Choices County! is a great resource for the early care providers, schools and workplaces in Jones County to help us achieve our community health goals."
The steering committee strives to bring positive cohesive actions for short and long-term goals through collaboration, a common language between professionals with clear meaning for the public, consistency, reduction in duplication, and building a sustainable system to support the well-being and continued development of our community in areas such as: Education, Child Health, Oral Health, Drinking Water, Unintentional Injuries, Older Adults, Mental Health and Addictive Behaviors. To learn more about the Jones County plan and to see a full list of categories and focus areas, visit the Jones County Public Health Community Health Needs page.
The full press release by HHS can be found on the Iowa Department of Public Health website.